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February 2025

Saving the Ants

59 Kids Sermons for Year A of the Revised Common LectionarySaving the Ants cover

Features sermons from the Gospel of Matthew

Inspiring foreword by Walter Wangerin, Jr.

Saving the Ants - Ruth Gilmore Ingulsrud  Buy Kindle version from Amazon

Jesus Invites Ants For A Picnic

Review by Todd Hylden

Ants and coins and animal crackers and robots and other such things are put to good and noble work in this wonderful collection of children’s sermons. With such fine teachers and role models at her service Ruth Gilmore brings the word of Christ to the minds and hearts of little people and big people.

It is true that “Faith comes from hearing the word of Christ” and what better way to have it grow and blossom in our lives than through images inspired by the Bible connected to the real wonder of life as this collection of sermons so aptly does.

The core message of each sermon is faithfully grounded in the scriptures and theological excellence. The core message in each sermon is gracious and enlightning and to the point.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to pastors and youth workers entrusted with the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ to children. I even recommend this to parents who would find this a great tool to help them pass on the gift of faith to their kids.

Todd Hylden