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March 2025

Abba, Daddy

Holy Trinity Sunday From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â John 3:16 and Rom. 8:15-17

Preparation: Bring a little bag of treasures or treats to hand out at the end of your message, or you may have the gifts in your pockets.

Imagine that you are visiting at the home of a friend. Your friend’s father has been gone on a long trip, and the rest of the family is looking forward to his return. They tell you he’ll be coming

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How Close Is God?

God is close to us, isn’t he? Jesus is closer than your mommy or daddy when they’re hugging you tight; he’s closer than a hug. Jesus is closer than our shoes and socks. He’s closer than our skin. Acts, chapter 17, describes how close God is to us. The apostle Paul says, “He is not far from each one of us, for in him we live and move and have our being… ” (Acts 17:27-28 RSV). God is so close that he’s a part of us.

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How Close Is God?

From Saving the Ants, by Ruth Gilmore For the 6th Sunday of Easter

Scripture Reference: Acts 17:22-31  “…he is not far from any one of us. ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’”

If you could name something that is the farthest possible distance away from you, what would that thing be? What is something that is really far away from you?(Discuss distant objects with children.)

Now, if you could name something that is as close to you as is

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