Jesus told his disciples that whoever welcomes or invites them, welcomes Jesus. So how could I invite Jesus to my house? (A child may answer.) I can invite one of Jesus’ disciples, one of his friends, to my house. How many disciples or friends of Jesus do you see here? Raise your hand if you are a friend of Jesus!
Continue reading Inviting Jesus
God is close to us, isn’t he? Jesus is closer than your mommy or daddy when they’re hugging you tight; he’s closer than a hug. Jesus is closer than our shoes and socks. He’s closer than our skin. Acts, chapter 17, describes how close God is to us. The apostle Paul says, “He is not far from each one of us, for in him we live and move and have our being… ” (Acts 17:27-28 RSV). God is so close that he’s a part of us.
Continue reading How Close Is God?
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