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March 2025

The Gardener

Do you know what happened to the gardener in the story Isaiah told? He planted grape vines and took good care of them, but his garden didn’t produce good grapes. God is like that gardener, and we’re his plants. God takes good care of us and wants us to grow and do good things. When we turn away from God and do what we shouldn’t, it’s as if God’s garden is wilting and filling up with weeds.

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A Great Light

If everyone scoots in real close, we’ll see how many people we can get under this dark blanket. (Gather with the children under the blanket.) It’s pretty dark under here, isn’t it? I wanted to read a Bible verse to you, but now it’s so dark I don’t know if I can. But I think I have something that might help. (Retrieve the flashlight out of your bag.) This flashlight will really help; just the thing to push back the darkness. (Turn on the light.) That makes a big difference, doesn’t it? I can see much better. Here’s the Bible verse; Isaiah, chapter 9, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness; on them light has shined” (v. 2 NRSV).

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Food for the Soul

3rd Sunday in Lent From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Isa. 55:1-9Â

Snow Monkeys; photo by Kiyoshi Ookawa

Preparation: Bring brief, favorite Bible verses printed on cards or bookmarks—enough to give one to each child. If possible, also bring a flipchart and marker to jot down kids’ responses.

What do all people and animals need to survive? (Let children share thoughts. If you have a marker and chart, note their answers.) We need food and water. We also need to stay warm.

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The Power of Light

For the Christmas Eve Service From “Sitting on the Rainbow”

Scripture Reference: Isa. 9:2 “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them has light shined”

Preparation: Bring a flashlight or a candle. Arrange with the ushers to turn off the lights at the appropriate time.

It’s Christmas Eve! It’s a wonderful and magical time. On Christmas Eve, we make our final preparations for the arrival of the Christ Child. Jesus, the Light

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