I’ll ask you the same question that Jesus asked his disciples after they had heard this story; which son did what his father wanted him to do? (Wait for answers.) Yes, the first son did the right thing. Were these sons two-faced? (Wait for answers.) Yes. Both of them said one thing and did the opposite. The first son said the wrong thing and did the right thing. The second son said the right thing and did the wrong thing. In the end, do you think it’s more important to say the right thing or to do the right thing? (Let children respond.) Actions speak louder than words. Of course, the best thing would be to both say and do the right thing.
Continue reading Two-Faced
We all have something like a garden inside each of us. Our “inside garden†is filled with our thoughts, our discoveries, and our feelings. Our garden is who we are deep inside.
Continue reading A Watered Garden
Moses set two choices before the Israelites and told them that they must decide which path they wanted to take. Moses said, “See, I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil.†Life or death; seems like a pretty easy choice to make. I brought along a couple of signs to remind you of the two choices. (Hand “Life†sign to your right and have a child hold it up; hand “Death†sign to your left.) Some of the choices that go along with “Life†are obeying and loving the Lord and keeping his commandments. Some of the choices that go along with “Death†are turning away from God and making other things more important in your life than God.
Continue reading Choose Life
First Sunday after the Epiphany Adapted from “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Luke 3:15-17Â
Preparation: Bring a pan with clean popsicle sticks in the bottom covered by a fine layer of flour or other fine meal that can be blown away. You may print the following statements on the popsicle sticks: “Listen to God†and “Obey God.â€Â
Today is the first Sunday after the special day we call Epiphany. The season of Christmas has come to an end. On Epiphany we remember how
Continue reading Burning the Chaff
Pentecost Proper 11 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Mark 6:30-34
The Gospel reading for today talks about sheep without a shepherd. Mark 6 says that when Jesus saw the crowds of people who came to listen to him, he felt sorry for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd.
You may never have seen sheep without a shepherd, but have any of you ever seen a child without a parent? A lost child is a very sad
Continue reading Sheep on the Lam
Responding to the Call of Christ
Scriptures: Matthew 9:9-13 “As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,†he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.”
Preparation: You will need to arrange to have an obedient dog who loves crowds of people be ready at the back of the church to be called to the front. If you cannot get the dog to come when it is called, you may ask its
Continue reading Come!
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