I drew another picture here, and this picture tries to show how my family makes me feel and how I feel about them. (Show picture and talk about it.) I can use these pens and paper to make bad things or good things. In the same way, each one of us can use our lives to make good or bad things.
Continue reading Good Creativity
All of these names tell us about Jesus. But during Advent and Christmas, the name of Jesus that we think about the most is the name “Immanuel.” During Advent, we sing the hymn “Oh Come, Oh Come, Immanuel.” Jesus is God with us. The baby born at Christmas was God himself coming to live with us here on earth. “Immanuel” may sound like a strange name; it’s not a very common name, but it reminds us of something very important. When we invite Jesus in our hearts, God is right here with us.
Continue reading God with Us
To the disciples, it seemed as if they had been waiting forever for God’s Promised One, the Messiah, to arrive. When Jesus finally came, did they need to keep looking? No. The Savior sent by God was finally with them. It would have been foolish to keep looking. When Christmas morning finally arrives, do we have to keep waiting and counting the days until it’s here? No. When Christmas comes, we can celebrate! We don’t have to keep waiting.
Continue reading Should We Keep Looking?
The brambles and thorns that John wanted people to clear out of their lives were the bad habits and thoughts that kept people far away from God. John told people to repent, to stop doing the things that made God sad and to start living lives that made God happy. John told people to clear their hearts and minds so that they would be ready to welcome Jesus when he came.
Continue reading Making a Path
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