Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23 “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,23Â gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!” – New Living Translation
Hamlet the pig has a hankering for pie – apple pie to be precise. It’s just come out of the oven and it’s right under his nose. He’d love to dive right in, but he needs to be patient. He needs to learn about the fourth fruit
Continue reading Patience Pie and the Pig
Do you think God has a short fuse? No, our God is very patient. In the Bible, it says that love is patient and kind. God is love and he is very patient. And this is what Nehemiah 9:17 says, “You are a God of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to become angry, and full of unfailing love and mercy†(nlt). God is slow to anger. God has a very long fuse.
Continue reading Long Fuse
When Jesus went up into heaven, his disciples were watching. They watched him disappear into a cloud and then they all just stood there, looking up, staring at the sky, until two angels appeared and told them that Jesus would come back some day. The disciples were probably very sad to see Jesus go, and I’m sure they couldn’t help standing there, staring for a while. Do you think they were supposed to just stay there, looking up, waiting for Jesus to come back? No, there was plenty to do while they waited for Jesus to return. The world was waiting to hear the good news, that Jesus was alive!
Continue reading What Goes Up… (Ascension Sunday)
To the disciples, it seemed as if they had been waiting forever for God’s Promised One, the Messiah, to arrive. When Jesus finally came, did they need to keep looking? No. The Savior sent by God was finally with them. It would have been foolish to keep looking. When Christmas morning finally arrives, do we have to keep waiting and counting the days until it’s here? No. When Christmas comes, we can celebrate! We don’t have to keep waiting.
Continue reading Should We Keep Looking?
Characters: Narrator, Wrinkles the Dog, A Scruffy Kitten, Dog 1 (lines can be split up between several dogs)
Narrator: Would you like to hear a love story? Don’t worry; there’s no kissing in this one. This is a story about an old dog and a little kitten. Once upon a time, there was an old dog who really knew what it was to love.
Wrinkles: Love is lovely. Love is a many splendoured thing. I just love to love.
Narrator: He was patient and kind
Continue reading A Love Story With No Kissing (1 Cor. 13:1-13)
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