King David knew a lot about sheep. He knew how silly they were and how much they needed a shepherd. And after he became king, he wrote a song, a psalm, that begins, “The Lord is my shepherd” (Ps. 23:1 NLT). Now if the Lord is my shepherd, what does that make me? Right! A sheep! Isn’t that insulting? No, just realistic. We do need God. We need taking care of. It would really be silly to think that we didn’t need God as our shepherd. Do you think those sheep would last very long out in the wilderness without a shepherd? No!
Continue reading I Just Wanna Be a Sheep
We’re all sinners. We all do things that we shouldn’t do. In a way, we’re all like that meanie, stuck in the quicksand. But even before we say, “Please, help me,” God has already thrown us the rope and pulled us out. (As you speak, you can throw one end of the rope out, or do the action of throwing a rope.) God loves all of us and he sent Jesus to save us.
Continue reading Meanie in the Quicksand
St. Patrick’s Day; “St. Patrick’s Forgivenessâ€
Mark 11:22-25
Preparation: You may bring shamrock stickers or a hand stamp to give to the children at the end.
Lots of people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. They wear something green, they might decorate their classrooms or homes with shamrocks, or they may even eat Irish food like corned beef and cabbage for dinner. But most people don’t know very much about St. Patrick’s life and what he did. I want to see how much you know about him.
Continue reading St. Patrick’s Day Children’s Sermon
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