You will notice that you can no longer feed yourself. In a community, if people are only concerned with feeding or helping themselves, the community will not be healthy. Some will be hungry or lonely or left out. But if you concentrate on feeding or helping the other first, then it works. (Encourage the volunteers to feed a cracker to each other.) When we help each other, everyone in the community will be fed.
Continue reading World Community Communion
Sympathizing is better than swatting. Jesus sympathized. He did not swat. Jesus listened and loved and shared the Good News of God’s love.
Continue reading Swatting vs. Sympathy
We’re all sinners. We all do things that we shouldn’t do. In a way, we’re all like that meanie, stuck in the quicksand. But even before we say, “Please, help me,” God has already thrown us the rope and pulled us out. (As you speak, you can throw one end of the rope out, or do the action of throwing a rope.) God loves all of us and he sent Jesus to save us.
Continue reading Meanie in the Quicksand
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany From “Saving the Ants” (Download book at left!)Â
Scripture Reference: Matt. 5:38-48 and 1 Cor. 3:18-19Â
Preparation: Bring an organ donation card with you; your own or one from a member of the congregation.
Can anyone tell me what the word revenge means? (Discuss meaning and examples of revenge with children.) Revenge is getting back at someone who hurt you. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus talks about revenge. The people that Jesus was talking to knew about the old
Continue reading An Eye for an Eye
Now I’d like to ask you: which kid was a good neighbor to the hurt boy? (Let children respond.) Our friends are our neighbors, and so are the people who live near us. But Jesus wants us to be good neighbors to anyone who needs our help and friendship—even those people we don’t usually play with.
Continue reading Who Is Your Neighbor?
6th Sunday of Easter From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â John 14:26 Preparation: Tie colored yarn around three of your fingers as visual reminders. You may cut extra lengths of yarn and bring these to hand out to children at the end of the sermon.
Why do you suppose I have these colored strings tied around my fingers? (Hold your hand up and let children guess.) Sometimes people tie strings around their fingers to remind them of something. Let’s say you have to bring your
Continue reading The Reminder
Pentecost Proper 18 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â James 2:14-17Â
Have any of you ever gone to school and forgotten your lunch? (Children may respond.)Â
I know I have. It’s a terrible feeling. Lunchtime comes and your stomach growls. Then you have nothing to eat and no money to buy a lunch.
Now imagine that your friends come and sit down next to you and notice you have no lunch. Imagine that they shake their heads and
Continue reading Faithful Acts
The March 2011 East Japan Earthquake
Scripture References:
Luke 13: 4 – 5 and Matthew 25:34 – 36
Preparation: Bring photos or a short video clip demonstrating the damage caused by the tsunami. Photos of families in refugee centers might also help the children understand what the conditions are like now in northern Japan.
On March 11, 2011 at 2:46 pm Tokyo time, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit Japan. The ground shifted and shook very hard and out in the
Continue reading Love in Action: Children’s Sermon Response to 3/11
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