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October 2024

Tiny Big Gift

When we give our offerings of money or time or talent to God, he doesn’t compare our offerings to those of other people. Some of us have more time or more money than others to begin with. God looks at what we have to start with, and God looks at the attitude we have about giving. When we give with a generous and thankful heart as much as we possibly can, God is very pleased and happy.

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Rich or Poor?

Do you think Jesus wants us to think it’s bad to be rich? (Let children answer.) Some people think the Bible says that money is the root of all evil, but it doesn’t say that. It says that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. It is hard to love God if riches are very, very important to you, because the money and things you can buy take up so much of your love. Can you take your toys or clothes or cars with you to heaven? (Kids respond.) In the end, those things aren’t very important, are they? It’s more important to be with God.

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Give It Away

I have here a penny. This is my penny. And I have one penny for each of you. (Hold out other pennies and hand one to each child.) Now if I told you that I really loved this penny, and that I had a special place for it to sit at my house, and that I held my penny every day and sang to it and kissed it, what would you think about that? (Kids may respond.) That would be pretty weird, wouldn’t it? I shouldn’t be spending my love on a penny.

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Faithful Acts

Pentecost Proper 18 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â James 2:14-17Â

Have any of you ever gone to school and forgotten your lunch? (Children may respond.)Â

I know I have. It’s a terrible feeling. Lunchtime comes and your stomach growls. Then you have nothing to eat and no money to buy a lunch.

Now imagine that your friends come and sit down next to you and notice you have no lunch. Imagine that they shake their heads and

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A Gift for Faithful Lamb

Title: A Gift for Faithful Lamb

Text: Matt. 10: 40- 42

Cast: Faithful Lamb, Billy the Kid and Lamb Borgeeny

Narrator: That short Gospel reading, has a BIG lesson in it. Do you remember what Jesus said? How does Jesus want us to show our love to him?….Today Billy the Kid, Faithful Lamb and a new sheep named Lamb Borgeeny are going to help us understand what Jesus said.

(Enter Billy the Kid, carrying some grass. He arranges it carefully while

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