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February 2025

Rich or Poor?

Do you think Jesus wants us to think it’s bad to be rich? (Let children answer.) Some people think the Bible says that money is the root of all evil, but it doesn’t say that. It says that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. It is hard to love God if riches are very, very important to you, because the money and things you can buy take up so much of your love. Can you take your toys or clothes or cars with you to heaven? (Kids respond.) In the end, those things aren’t very important, are they? It’s more important to be with God.

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Saving Up Bubbles

I would have much more fun sharing my bubbles with all of you rather than trying to save them in a bag. (Blow some bubbles.) God gives us good gifts so we can share them with others. Thanks for sharing my bubbles with me before they disappeared.

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Clueing in the Clueless Princess (Luke 12:32)

Cast: Milo & Mercy (Muppet-style puppets), and Lioness (lion puppet)

Lioness:Â (Enters swathed in jewelry and rich decorations.) I have lots of stuff, loads of stuff…oodles of stuff. How I love my stuff. I have jewels and money and crowns and robes and really expensive toenail clippers.

Milo: (Enters holding a tattered or hat or some other pitiful object.) What a beautiful day! I have sunshine and fresh air and good friends and red hair! It’s a great day to be alive.

(Milo and Lion

Continue reading Clueing in the Clueless Princess (Luke 12:32)