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February 2025

Advent Skit Series

The Bible readings this morning talked about being ready and waking up because Jesus is coming; but I have a feeling some people weren’t listening. (Loud sound of snoring from the Advent Family.) Do you hear something? Do you hear snoring? It looks like our Advent family is fast asleep. Can you help us wake them up? Everyone say at once, “Christmas is coming! It’s time to wake up!” (Kids join in and wake up the family. Repeat until the family wakes up.)

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Scolding the Snakes

Third Sunday of Advent From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Luke 3:7-18

Photo by Kamalnv/Creative Commons via Wikimedia

Preparation: If possible, bring a rubber snake or a picture of a snake to illustrate the sermon.Â

Can you count the lighted candles on the Advent wreath? (That’s right: three. This is the third week of Advent.) You remember that we said Advent is a time of getting ready. Who remembers what we are getting ready for? (Let children answer.) We want to be

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Dirt and Dross

Second Sunday of Advent From “Scolding the Snakes” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Mal. 3:2-3 and Phil. 1:6-11

Preparation: Cover a piece of smooth jewelry (a gold or silver heart would be perfect) with mud or clay so that it is hidden inside the lump. Also bring a towel and bowl of water for cleaning the jewelry.

How many candles are lit on the Advent wreath now? (Let kids count.) Two candles! It’s the second Sunday in Advent. This is a time of getting

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Making Room for Jesus

First Sunday of Advent From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Luke 21:34

Preparation: Bring a doll’s crib or a small manger filled with crumpled papers on which you’ve printed “worry and bad-attitude statements” (“Why can’t I have that toy?” “What if she doesn’t like me?” “I want my own way,” “He makes me so mad,” “I need to buy new clothes,” “What if those kids pick on me?” etc.). Also bring a doll, representing the baby Jesus, wrapped in “swaddling cloths” and a blanket.


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The Power of Light

For the Christmas Eve Service From “Sitting on the Rainbow”

Scripture Reference: Isa. 9:2 “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them has light shined”

Preparation: Bring a flashlight or a candle. Arrange with the ushers to turn off the lights at the appropriate time.

It’s Christmas Eve! It’s a wonderful and magical time. On Christmas Eve, we make our final preparations for the arrival of the Christ Child. Jesus, the Light

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A Sharp Lookout

For the First Sunday of Advent From “Sitting on the Rainbow”

Scripture Reference: Mark 13:32-37

Preparation: Prepare a distraction of some type to use later in the sermon. For example, one year, I arranged for a helper to drop colorful confetti from the balcony to catch the children’s attention.

Today is the first Sunday in Advent. (You may, at this time, take note of the Advent wreath and other Advent decorations.) Advent is a time of waiting and getting ready for the arrival of Jesus

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