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February 2025

Choose Life

Moses set two choices before the Israelites and told them that they must decide which path they wanted to take. Moses said, “See, I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil.” Life or death; seems like a pretty easy choice to make. I brought along a couple of signs to remind you of the two choices. (Hand “Life” sign to your right and have a child hold it up; hand “Death” sign to your left.) Some of the choices that go along with “Life” are obeying and loving the Lord and keeping his commandments. Some of the choices that go along with “Death” are turning away from God and making other things more important in your life than God.

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Count the Cost

Before you make a big decision, it is important to count the cost. You have to ask, “How much is it worth to me?” Before we decide to follow Jesus with our whole hearts, God wants us to think about our decision very carefully. In the Old Testament reading, God told the Israelites that they had a really important decision to make: they could either follow the one true God or else follow the old, pretend gods. Choose God and life, or choose the pretend gods and death. (Let two kids hold the signs you made, one on either side of you.) Life or Death. It seems like an easy decision, doesn’t it?

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