An original Kidsermons Puppet Show based on (John 20 : 1 – 18)
Cast: Mercy (Muppet-style puppet), Frannie Funzle (a Funzle), Kit Fox (a fox puppet with a clerical collar) and Gloria (a goose puppet), Gosling (a baby duckling puppet) and a human usher.
Props: 3 Easter egg baskets, empty shell of a real egg in one of the Easter baskets
Original Cast: Mercy: Betsy Frannie: Jill Gloria: Ruth Kit Fox: Pastor Teresa Gosling: Elsa Usher: Karen
Mercy: (Enters holding a basket of Easter eggs.)
Continue reading The Empty Egg; an Easter Puppet Show
Trust God to take care of you and don’t be afraid. Life is to be lived! You are not meant to hide in your shell in the dark your whole life.
Continue reading Out of the Shell and Into the Light
Ezekiel was given this dream to show him that God could do anything. The people of Israel were alive, but they felt very sad inside. They had stopped listening to God. It was as if their spirits were dead, like those dry bones. God sent the prophet Ezekiel to them to bring their hope and their spirits back to life. Sometimes we feel sad and far away from God. We may feel like the Lord doesn’t hear our prayers. We don’t have to stay that way, far away from God like a dry bone. God wants us to be alive in him, full of the Holy Spirit and happy to be children of God. If we open our hearts and lives to him, the Spirit of God will come whooshing into our lives again.
Continue reading Dry Bones
The Gospel lesson for today talks about a group of people called Sadducees. Sadducees were Jews who believed that there was no life after death. Is that the same as what we believe? (Let children answer.) No. We know that God is preparing a place for us in heaven; and when we die, we go to be with Jesus. It’s easy to remember the Sadducees and what they believe, because their name describes how they must feel. It would be very sad to think that there is no life after death. So the Sadducees are very sad, you see—Sadducee!
Continue reading Life from Death
Before you make a big decision, it is important to count the cost. You have to ask, “How much is it worth to me?†Before we decide to follow Jesus with our whole hearts, God wants us to think about our decision very carefully. In the Old Testament reading, God told the Israelites that they had a really important decision to make: they could either follow the one true God or else follow the old, pretend gods. Choose God and life, or choose the pretend gods and death. (Let two kids hold the signs you made, one on either side of you.) Life or Death. It seems like an easy decision, doesn’t it?
Continue reading Count the Cost
Is there any way that any of us could make this little bug live again? Can we bring this bug back to life? (Let children comment.) No, this isn’t something anybody on Earth can do. We aren’t stronger than death. In reading the Bible, we learn about two sons who died. One son lived back in the time of Elijah the prophet, and the other lived while Jesus was walking around on Earth. Both of these boys were their mothers’ only children. And both of the mothers were widows—their husbands had died. These mothers and sons had only each other in the world. When their sons died, the mothers had no one left. The pain of losing their only children was causing the mothers’ hearts to break.
Continue reading Stronger than Death
Pentecost Proper 27 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Psalm 127
Preparation: Place a mirror in a fancy box that can be opened easily. Put a big beautiful bow on top of the box.
Would you like to see a very precious gift? If you look inside this gift box, you will see something so valuable it could never be replaced. It is something priceless; something that all the money in the world cannot buy. You’ll notice that I am
Continue reading The Gift of Children
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