I drew another picture here, and this picture tries to show how my family makes me feel and how I feel about them. (Show picture and talk about it.) I can use these pens and paper to make bad things or good things. In the same way, each one of us can use our lives to make good or bad things.
Continue reading Good Creativity
I have a delicious-looking [cupcake] here. Would anyone want to ask me for a bite of it? (Let kids respond.) You may think you want this [cupcake]; it looks good, doesn’t it? But I’m not going to give you a piece. I know something that you don’t. Let me cut the [cupcake] open so you can see what’s inside. (Cut the cupcake open on the cutting board to reveal the inedible insides.) Do you see why I didn’t give you what you asked for? God wants us to pray to him whenever we want anything, but we have to remember to trust that God knows what is best and will give us only things that would be good for us.
Continue reading God’s Good Gifts
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