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February 2025

Nativity Rat at the Manger

RAT: So compared to the Creator of the Universe and all things good and amazing, humans and rats are almost on the same level. But God loves us anyway. God loves the ratty and the tattered. God loves us even though we are small and mean. God loves even the rat.

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Meanie in the Quicksand

We’re all sinners. We all do things that we shouldn’t do. In a way, we’re all like that meanie, stuck in the quicksand. But even before we say, “Please, help me,” God has already thrown us the rope and pulled us out. (As you speak, you can throw one end of the rope out, or do the action of throwing a rope.) God loves all of us and he sent Jesus to save us.

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Look Up

For the Fourth Sunday in Lent From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference: Numbers 21:4-9 and Ephesians 2:8

Preparation: Bring a cross to hold up so that the children can look up to it.

How many of you can remember a time when you felt very sick? (Children can raise their hands or respond.) Have you ever felt so sick and weak that you couldn’t get out of bed? Or so sick that you could hardly move at all?


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Reformation Sunday Children’s Sermon

Reformation Sunday; “Saved by Grace”

Ephesians 2:8-9


If you were on a big ship in the middle of the ocean, and you fell overboard, what might the captain of that ship do when she or he saw that you had fallen into the sea? What would the captain do? Would she tell you to start swimming and point in the direction of land? (Let children consider this and answer.)

Do you think the captain, seeing that you were drowning in the ocean, might say

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