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February 2025

Freedom for the Jailer

7th Sunday of Easter From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Acts 16:16-34Â

Preparation: Find or draw a large picture of a jailer standing outside a jail cell with a prisoner inside behind bars.

Can anyone tell me which of these two persons is in prison and which one is free? (Hold up picture so children and congregation can see it. Let child point out the prisoner and the jailer.) That was pretty easy to tell, wasn’t it? Do you think the one who is outside

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The Reminder

6th Sunday of Easter From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â John 14:26 Preparation: Tie colored yarn around three of your fingers as visual reminders. You may cut extra lengths of yarn and bring these to hand out to children at the end of the sermon.

Why do you suppose I have these colored strings tied around my fingers? (Hold your hand up and let children guess.) Sometimes people tie strings around their fingers to remind them of something. Let’s say you have to bring your

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Proving It to the World

5th Sunday of Easter From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference: John 13:31-35 Preparation: Bring along an example of a talent you possess or a special piece of art you’ve made or an unusual object that you own. For example, you could bring balls to juggle or a painting, a sculpture, or a piece of stitchery you’ve made.

Have any of you ever heard the expression, “The proof is in the pudding” or “The proof of the pudding is in the eating”? Let’s say that

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The Shepherd’s Voice

4th Sunday of Easter From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â John 10:25-30 and Ps. 23

Following the Shepherd’s Voice

How many of you answer the telephone in your home? (Let kids raise their hands.) Now, tell me this: how many of you have answered the phone and guessed who was calling, just by his or her voice—before the person on the other end told you who it was? Are you good at recognizing voices? (Let kids respond.) If we hear a voice that

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Shouting Stones

Palm Sunday From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Luke 19:28-40Â

Preparation: Bring in palm branches and several large, smooth rocks to pass around or enough small stones to distribute to all the children.

Hold up the rocks. Who can tell me what these are? (Let children answer.) I’m going to pass around these rocks. As soon as you get one, I want you to hold it up to your ear and listen carefully. Tell me if you hear anything. When you’re finished passing around

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Food for the Soul

3rd Sunday in Lent From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Isa. 55:1-9Â

Snow Monkeys; photo by Kiyoshi Ookawa

Preparation: Bring brief, favorite Bible verses printed on cards or bookmarks—enough to give one to each child. If possible, also bring a flipchart and marker to jot down kids’ responses.

What do all people and animals need to survive? (Let children share thoughts. If you have a marker and chart, note their answers.) We need food and water. We also need to stay warm.

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The Fox and the Hen

2nd Sunday in Lent From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Luke 13:31-35

Preparation: Bring pictures of a fox and/or a hen and baby chicks to illustrate talk.

In today’s Gospel lesson from Luke, we are told that some leaders of the Jewish people (called Pharisees) came to Jesus after he had finished preaching to a crowd of people. They told him, “You’d better get out of here if you want to live, because Herod Antipas wants to kill you.” Herod was the ruler of

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Saved by Believing

1st Sunday in Lent From “Scolding the Snakes” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Rom. 10:9-13Â

At most beaches and pools there is a person who sits in a tall chair and watches swimmers in the water. If someone in the water calls for help, this person jumps in the water and saves the person in danger. Can you tell me what this person is called? (Children may answer.) He or she is the lifeguard. The lifeguard’s job is to make sure swimmers are

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A Love Story

4th Sunday after the Epiphany Adapted from “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â 1 Cor. 13:1-13

Preparation (Optional): Bring a stuffed dog and cat or a picture to illustrate the story.Â

Would you like to hear a love story? Don’t worry; there’s no kissing in this one. This is a story about an old dog and a little kitten. (If you brought the stuffed animals, use them to help you tell the story.)

Once upon a time, there was an old dog who really knew

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Burning the Chaff

First Sunday after the Epiphany Adapted from “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Luke 3:15-17Â

Preparation: Bring a pan with clean popsicle sticks in the bottom covered by a fine layer of flour or other fine meal that can be blown away. You may print the following statements on the popsicle sticks: “Listen to God” and “Obey God.”Â

Today is the first Sunday after the special day we call Epiphany. The season of Christmas has come to an end. On Epiphany we remember how

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