Can someone tell me, in the eyes of God, who of all these people is the greatest? Is the king the greatest? Is one of the dukes the greatest? (Wait for answers.) In the eyes of the Lord, the servant is greatest of all. I’d like for our servant to come up here to the top step to stand above everyone. (Have the servant come to the top step at the front of the church or provide a stool draped with a rich-looking cloth for the servant to step onto.) In God’s kingdom, the lowliest servant is the greatest.
Continue reading The Greatest
Ezekiel 34 tells us what kind of shepherd our Lord is: “I myself will search for my sheep. . . . I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak†(Ez. 34:11, 16 NRSV). Even when the sheep are scattered all over the place, the shepherd will gather them up and bring them back. God always looks for us when we’ve turned away from him and have taken the wrong and dangerous path. Our Lord never gives us up for lost.
Continue reading King and Shepherd
There was a man hanging on another cross next to Jesus, and that man really had done things that were wrong. He knew that he deserved punishment, but he also knew that Jesus had done nothing wrong. And somehow he knew that Jesus was a king. As they were both hanging there dying, that man looked at Jesus and said, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.†And Jesus looked at the man and said, “I tell you the truth; today you will be with me in Paradise.â€
Continue reading Eternal Kingdom
Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday From “Barefoot in the Snow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Rom. 10:12-13 & Eph. 4:4-6Â
Preparation: Bring enough treats to hand out to all the children.
It’s nice to see you this morning. I notice that you are all dressed differently with clothing of different colors, styles, and sizes. I like to see the different colors people wear.
This morning, we’re going to try something. We’re going to pay close attention to the differences in the clothes you’re
Continue reading Color Split
Pentecost Proper 29; Christ the King Sunday From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Psalm 93:1-2Â
Preparation: Bring a chair that slides or rolls easily across the floor to serve as a throne. Place it where the children will be able to push it for some distance.
Today is Christ the King Sunday. Did you know that? Today we read Bible verses and sing hymns that remind us that the Lord is King over everything on earth and in heaven.
Continue reading A Solid Throne
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