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February 2025

The Greatest

Can someone tell me, in the eyes of God, who of all these people is the greatest? Is the king the greatest? Is one of the dukes the greatest? (Wait for answers.) In the eyes of the Lord, the servant is greatest of all. I’d like for our servant to come up here to the top step to stand above everyone. (Have the servant come to the top step at the front of the church or provide a stool draped with a rich-looking cloth for the servant to step onto.) In God’s kingdom, the lowliest servant is the greatest.

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Fair Wages

Would anyone like to earn some money this morning? I need four volunteers. I’ll give each of you a job and pay you when you’re done. (Choose four kids and have them line up.) Now, I’ll ask my first volunteer; if I pay you one nickel, will you carry these three books to the back of the church and up here to the front again, three times? (If they agree, let them start right away, while you continue to speak.) Now, to the second volunteer; will you carry two books down the aisle and back, two times? (Let second volunteer begin their job.) Now, the next; will you carry one book down the aisle and back just one time?(They may begin.) And for the last one; your job is to walk to the first pew and back. You don’t have to carry any books.

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Choose Your Train

Let’s pretend we’re all standing on the platform at a train station. We’re getting ready to take a trip and there are two trains waiting at the station. One train is brand new and very fancy. It is painted with gold and silver paint and the seats are red velvet. The dining car is full of delicious food from the fanciest restaurants. The sleeping car has feather beds with satin sheets. This train has a big sign on it that reads, “MONEY.” In order to ride this train, you don’t have to have lots of money; you just have to agree that money is more important than anything in the world.

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Find the Sheep!

Hurrah! We found the lost sheep. I am so happy. Do you know that Jesus is like that shepherd who went looking for the one lost sheep? Jesus wants everyone in the world to be a part of his flock. He wants everyone to know God’s love. It’s wonderful that some of us grow up in God’s family and have always known that God loves us. But there are lots of lost sheep out there, a lot of people who don’t know Jesus. And Jesus is looking for those lost sheep. He wants to rescue those sheep.

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A Solid Throne

Pentecost Proper 29; Christ the King Sunday From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Psalm 93:1-2Â

Preparation: Bring a chair that slides or rolls easily across the floor to serve as a throne. Place it where the children will be able to push it for some distance.

Today is Christ the King Sunday. Did you know that? Today we read Bible verses and sing hymns that remind us that the Lord is King over everything on earth and in heaven.

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Through the Curtain

Pentecost Proper 28 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Scripture Reference:Â Heb. 10:19-25

Preparation: Bring a lightweight piece of material that can be torn in half easily—an old sheet, for example. You may want to cut one edge slightly in the center of the cloth, so it will be easier to tear. If you can do so, drape the sheet over a rack or high chair so it blocks the altar from the view of the children.Â

A long time ago, the Israelites worshiped God

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Sprouting Kingdom Seeds

Pentecost Proper 6 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Scripture Reference:Â Mark 4:26-34

Preparation: Bring dry seeds in a glass jar, as well as seeds that have sprouted with visible roots and young shoots. Large, sprouted bean seeds work well for illustrating your talk; the roots and sprouts are easy to see.

Take a look at the seeds I brought with me this morning. I’m storing them in this glass jar. I take them out every day to look at them, but they always look

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Workers Needed

For the Sunday Before Labor Day From Barefoot in the Snow Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:  Matt. 9:37-38 Preparation: Bring items that workers in various professions might carry; for example, a doctor’s bag or stethoscope, a hammer, a paint brush, etc.

Tomorrow is Labor Day. It’s a holiday that recognizes and honors all the people who work hard in this country. To show our appreciation and thanks to these workers, on Labor Day they get the chance to relax and rest.

How can

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