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February 2025

The Fox and the Hen

2nd Sunday in Lent From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Luke 13:31-35

Preparation: Bring pictures of a fox and/or a hen and baby chicks to illustrate talk.

In today’s Gospel lesson from Luke, we are told that some leaders of the Jewish people (called Pharisees) came to Jesus after he had finished preaching to a crowd of people. They told him, “You’d better get out of here if you want to live, because Herod Antipas wants to kill you.” Herod was the ruler of

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A Love Story

4th Sunday after the Epiphany Adapted from “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â 1 Cor. 13:1-13

Preparation (Optional): Bring a stuffed dog and cat or a picture to illustrate the story.Â

Would you like to hear a love story? Don’t worry; there’s no kissing in this one. This is a story about an old dog and a little kitten. (If you brought the stuffed animals, use them to help you tell the story.)

Once upon a time, there was an old dog who really knew

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Color Split

Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday From “Barefoot in the Snow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Rom. 10:12-13 & Eph. 4:4-6Â

Preparation: Bring enough treats to hand out to all the children.

It’s nice to see you this morning. I notice that you are all dressed differently with clothing of different colors, styles, and sizes. I like to see the different colors people wear.

This morning, we’re going to try something. We’re going to pay close attention to the differences in the clothes you’re

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Light in the Dark

Christmas Eve From “Scolding the Snakes” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Isa. 9:2-7 and Luke 2:6-14

Preparation: Bring a strong flashlight and, if possible, arrange ahead of time to have an adult volunteer darken the church at one point during the sermon. (Agree on a signal to cue the volunteer.)

We have come to the end of Advent. The time of waiting is over. We stand at the beginning of Christmas. Tonight is a wonderful night: it is Christmas Eve. As the sun comes

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The Gift of Children

Pentecost Proper 27 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Psalm 127

Preparation: Place a mirror in a fancy box that can be opened easily. Put a big beautiful bow on top of the box.

Would you like to see a very precious gift? If you look inside this gift box, you will see something so valuable it could never be replaced. It is something priceless; something that all the money in the world cannot buy. You’ll notice that I am

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Burnt Anger

Pentecost Proper 14 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Eph. 4:25-27

Preparation: Bring a clean cooking pot and a large spoon for pretending to stir. Also, if possible, bring along a pot that has a burned crust in the bottom.

I’ve brought something with me this morning. (Show the pot.) Can anyone tell me what this is used for? Do you have any of these in your kitchen? (Let children tell what pots are used for.) We cook food in

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Love My Kids

Sixth Sunday of Easter From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Scripture Reference:Â 1 John 5:1-2

Preparation (optional): Arrange for several older members of the congregation to bring small photos of their grandkids and be prepared to show them to the kids during the children’s time.

How many of you have grandparents? Raise your hand. I know quite a few grandparents, and all of them just love their grandkids. They love to have their grandchildren visit them, and they tell their friends how wonderful and sweet their

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Show Your Love

Fourth Sunday of Easter From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â 1 John 3:16-24

Preparation:Â Bring a large, brightly colored valentine and a warm jacket to help illustrate your talk.

If you wanted someone to know you loved him or her, what would you say? (Let children respond.) You could simply say, “I love you.” Then they would know. Or you could write “I love you” on a piece of paper. Even though Valentine’s Day is past, I brought a valentine

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Sharing It All

Second Sunday of Easter From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Acts 4:32-35

Preparation: You may bring a brown lunch bag containing a treat or stickers to share with the children at the end of your message.

If you were sitting down to lunch at school and you saw that the person sitting next to you didn’t have anything to eat, what might you do? (Let children respond.) You could share your food, couldn’t you? It’s good to share.

I’m sure

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Love Builds the Church

For the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany From “Sitting on the Rainbow”

Image from Half a World Away exhibit

Scripture Reference:Â 1 Cor. 8:1-3

Preparation: You may bring a hammer and nails or some other construction tools.

The Bible reading from 1 Corinthians today talks about building up the church. If you were going to help build up the church, what sort of tools do you think you might need? (Discuss.) I brought some tools with me (show the tools), but the trouble is,

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