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March 2025

Kidsermons Giving Tuesday!

Dear Kidsermons Supporters,

I am glad that you have found the website to be a useful tool for your ministry. I have maintained this website for over 20 years. Please consider making a small donation on Giving Tuesday to the nonprofit foundation that I have started here in Japan. has trained 12 new JOEE teachers and conducts lessons in a total of 6 orphanages across Japan, from Tokyo to Kobe. The children are delighted with the lessons and continue to learn English

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What Does Pentecost?

Summary: Mercy Me is worried about Sunday because she does not know what Pente costs. Milo and his French friend, Pierre, explain that a free gift was given at Pentecost; the preaching power of the Holy Spirit.

Cast: Mercy and Milo (muppet-style puppets), Annmarie and Pierre (puppet with a French accent)


Mercy:Â (Enters looking down and counting…) One, two, three, four, five… oh boy. I don’t think I have enough.

Milo: Umm. Mercy Me? What are you doing?

Mercy: I’m counting my money. I

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The Stuff of Thanksgiving

Biblical Reference: Luke 12:32-34

 32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Cast: Milo & Mercy (Muppet-style puppets), and Lioness (lion puppet) Props: Costume jewelry and

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Never Cry “Wool”

(This script was used at a church camp called “Wolf Mountain.)

Summary: A sheep with many fears learns to trust the Good Shepherd, Jesus.

Cast: Baaa-Bara Ann; a silly little sheep with some very big worries… and You; a sensible, sensitive type who is willing to help a small sheep.


You: I’d like to tell you the story of The Boy Who Cried “Wolf.” This story is often called a ‘fable,’ because there is a moral at the end; a lesson that is taught

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