Dear Kidsermons Supporters,
I am glad that you have found the Kidsermons.com website to be a useful tool for your ministry. I have maintained this website for over 20 years. Please consider making a small donation on Giving Tuesday to the nonprofit foundation that I have started here in Japan. JOEE.jp has trained 12 new JOEE teachers and conducts lessons in a total of 6 orphanages across Japan, from Tokyo to Kobe. The children are delighted with the lessons and continue to learn English
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Did a light bulb just come on in your head? Did inspiration whoosh in like a mighty wind? How is the flame of Pentecost like a fire of inspiration? Join Baabara the Sheep as she learns more about Pentecost by way of a candle and a light bulb. Join us as we celebrate Pentecost.
Be inspired this Pentecost and let God work through your life to bless others!
Acts 2:1-4 — “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together
Continue reading Fire and the Inspiration of Pentecost
A children’s message for the 3rd Sunday of Advent. RCL Year B. Scripture Reference: John 1:6-8
Hamlet the Pig trots outside in the cold of December to search the skies for… John the Baptist? Why does he think that the moon is John the Baptist? Might it have something to do with John 1:6-8? “John himself was not the light; he was simply a witness to tell about the light.” (NLT)
See script below for reference: – Dec. 10, 2020:
Hamlet: Hey! That’s too
Continue reading John the Moon-Baptist
What are the qualities of a good and respected leader? Do they shout? Do they bully their citizens into compliance? Or are they gentle and wise? Grudge the Rat is practicing his “kingship” acceptance speech. He is determined to be a loud and bossy king… until his friend, Baabara the sheep, points out that kings aren’t elected. And respected leaders aren’t necessarily bossy. Grudge the Rat learns some valuable lessons about the often-overlooked “Fruit of the Spirit,” Gentleness.
Scripture reference: Galatians 5:22 –
Continue reading The Rat Who Would Be King
Hamlet the Pig is running out of mustard, so he goes to plant more in the garden… by trying to bury a bottle of mustard. Hamlet learns a lesson about seeds and growing things, and he also learns how the kingdom of God is like a tiny mustard seed. God’s love in our hearts may start out small, like a seed, but it can grow so big that it helps those around us.
Continue reading Planting Mustard
Year A – Proper 8 – June 28, 4th Sunday after Pentecost
Romans 6:20 – 23 “In those days when you were slaves of sin you didn’t bother much with goodness. And what was the result? Evidently not good, since you are ashamed now even to think about those things you used to do, for all of them end in eternal doom. But now you are free from the power of sin and are slaves of God, and his benefits to you include
Continue reading What Are the Wages?
Baabara the sheep asks about a difficult Bible verse in Matthew chapter 10 where Jesus tells his followers, “Those who love their father or mother more than me are not fit to be my disciples.” We love our fathers, but should we love them more than God. What is the highest love?
Year A – Proper 7 – Matthew 10:24-39
“Father and Son” by Shai Yossef – Click link to purchase art
You might think that today’s Gospel lesson is a bit strange to be the reading for the Sunday that happens to be Father’s Day. Today we honor fathers and we remember that the Bible often refers to God as our Father. In the Lord’s Prayer, we say “Our Father, who art in heaven,†or “Dear Father in heaven, may your name be holy.†And
Continue reading A Higher Love
Baabara has questions about the Holy Trinity. Do God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit treat each other well? What does it mean to be three-in-one? If God is the Father of us all, how should we treat each other? And when is a good time to read Winnie-the-Pooh?
A Children’s Sermon for the first Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday – RCL Year A
Scriptures: Matthew 28:16-20 and 2 Corinthians 13:11-13
Today is the first Sunday after Pentecost. It is also called “Trinity Sunday.†This is a Sunday when we remember that God is three persons in one God. Throughout history, humans have struggled with this idea, and some have even started new religions because they could not understand how God could be One being and Three persons at the same time.
Continue reading Three in One – Trinity
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