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February 2025

Fire and the Inspiration of Pentecost

Did a light bulb just come on in your head? Did inspiration whoosh in like a mighty wind? How is the flame of Pentecost like a fire of inspiration? Join Baabara the Sheep as she learns more about Pentecost by way of a candle and a light bulb. Join us as we celebrate Pentecost.

Be inspired this Pentecost and let God work through your life to bless others!

Acts 2:1-4 — “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together

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John the Moon-Baptist

A children’s message for the 3rd Sunday of Advent. RCL Year B. Scripture Reference: John 1:6-8

Hamlet the Pig trots outside in the cold of December to search the skies for… John the Baptist? Why does he think that the moon is John the Baptist? Might it have something to do with John 1:6-8? “John himself was not the light; he was simply a witness to tell about the light.” (NLT)

See script below for reference: – Dec. 10, 2020:

Hamlet: Hey! That’s too

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Can Anything Separate Us?

For a young sheep, separation anxiety can cause a bit of panic. Baabara the Sheep needs some encouraging words. Romans 8 teaches her that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of God

Separation Anxiety

Year A – Proper 12

Scripture Reference: Romans 8:35 – 39

Separation – by Edvard Munch

Have you ever gotten separated from your parents? Maybe in a crowded place, you turned around and suddenly they were gone? And you looked all around, and couldn’t see them anywhere? Getting separated from the people you love can be very scary.

And right now, with a dangerous virus lurking about, we are being told to stay separated from friends and classmates. We are even supposed

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 Pentecost Proper 25 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference: Mark 10:46-52

Preparation: Bring a wishbone to pull and break with one of the children.

What is this little thing I’m holding? Can someone tell me? (Hold up the wishbone and let the children explain what it is and what people do with it.) It’s a wishbone, isn’t it? Why is it called a wishbone? Two people take hold of the bone—one on either end—and they each make a wish.

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Spirit Sailing

For Rally Day or Teacher Commissioning From “Barefoot in the Snow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Acts 1:8

Preparation: Bring a toy sailboat or picture to illustrate.

How many of you have gone sailing? (Let children respond.) Can you tell me what moves a sailboat when it’s out on the water? (Children may answer.) Yes! The wind fills the sails and pushes the boat across the water. What happens to a sailboat when you take the sails down? Does it go anywhere? No! A

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