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October 2012


 Pentecost Proper 25

From “Sitting on the Rainbow”

Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud

Scripture Reference: Mark 10:46-52

Preparation: Bring a wishbone to pull and break with one of the children.

What is this little thing I’m holding? Can someone tell me? (Hold up the wishbone and let the children explain what it is and what people do with it.) It’s a wishbone, isn’t it? Why is it called a wishbone? Two people take hold of the bone—one on either end—and they each make a wish. Then they pull until the bone breaks apart. The person left with the bigger piece gets his or her wish.

Who wants to make a wish and pull the wishbone with me? (Choose a volunteer. Then close your eyes, make a wish, and break the wishbone together.) Now, do you think the person with the bigger piece will really get his or her wish? (Let children respond.)

What’s the difference between wishing for something with a wishbone and praying to God for something? Which one is more certain of coming true? Which one do you have more faith in? (Let children offer their answers.) 

Pulling a wishbone is not like praying to God, is it? But sometimes it can seem important. I can remember fights over wishbones and wishes. Sometimes wishbone wishes can seem like they’re worth a lot, even worth yelling about.

During Bible times, a blind man named Bartimaeus was very certain that his wish would come true. He wanted his blind eyes to be healed; he wanted to be able to see. As soon as he heard that Jesus of Nazareth was coming his way, he knew he would finally get his sight. He had faith in Jesus, and soon everyone around him knew about his faith because he began shouting, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” (Mark 10:47 NLT).

Bartimaeus shouted at the top of his lungs. He may not have been able to see, but he certainly was able to speak. He used his voice so loudly that the people near him were embarrassed and tried to get him to be quiet. But Bartimaeus would not be quiet. More than anything, he wanted to be able to see. And he knew that more than anyone in the world, Jesus had the power to grant his wish. So he yelled for Jesus. And Jesus heard him and told him to come. Bartimaeus ran to Jesus’ side and Jesus gave him his sight. “Go your way,” said Jesus, “Your faith has made you well” (Mark 10:52 NLT).

It’s fun to make wishes with wishbones or to wish on the first evening star or on birthday candles we’ve blown out. But when it comes to counting on someone—being absolutely certain of something—it’s important to put our faith in the One who will never fail us. Put your faith in Jesus.

Prayer:  Jesus, make our faith strong and help us pray to you with a faith like blind Bartimaeus. Open our eyes to the power of your love.

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