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March 2025

I Just Wanna Be a Sheep

Fourth Sunday of Easter From “Saving the Ants” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Psalm 23

Preparation: (Optional) Bring cotton balls to represent sheep or make simple sheep from pom-poms to hand out to the children.

Does anyone know who King David was? He was king of Israel a long time ago. Do you know what he did before he became a king? He was a shepherd. A shepherd doesn’t have a very glamorous job. He has to take care of a big flock of

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Shepherd and Door

From Saving the Ants by Ruth Gilmore For the Fourth Sunday of Easter

Scripture Reference: John 10:1-10 “I am the gate for the sheep… Those who come in through me will be saved.”

Preparation: (Optional) You can bring a picture of Jesus as the Shepherd or point out a picture in the church. Show your illustration after asking the children if they know who the Good Shepherd is. Pick your volunteer ‘wolf’ out ahead of time.

Who is the Good Shepherd? Can anyone

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Never Cry “Wool”

(This script was used at a church camp called “Wolf Mountain.)

Summary: A sheep with many fears learns to trust the Good Shepherd, Jesus.

Cast: Baaa-Bara Ann; a silly little sheep with some very big worries… and You; a sensible, sensitive type who is willing to help a small sheep.


You: I’d like to tell you the story of The Boy Who Cried “Wolf.” This story is often called a ‘fable,’ because there is a moral at the end; a lesson that is taught

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