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February 2025

John the Moon-Baptist

A children’s message for the 3rd Sunday of Advent. RCL Year B. Scripture Reference: John 1:6-8

Hamlet the Pig trots outside in the cold of December to search the skies for… John the Baptist? Why does he think that the moon is John the Baptist? Might it have something to do with John 1:6-8? “John himself was not the light; he was simply a witness to tell about the light.” (NLT)

See script below for reference: – Dec. 10, 2020:

Hamlet: Hey! That’s too

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Salt and Light

Jesus wants us to be salty, and he wants us to shine brightly. People around us should know for sure that we’re Christians. We should show them love and acceptance and tell them about God and invite them to church.

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The Language of God

Day of Pentecost From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Acts 2:1-21 Â

Preparation (Optional): Arrange ahead of time for members of the congregation who are fluent in other languages to stand, one after the other and declare, “Jesus is Lord. I believe in Jesus!” in their various languages.

Can you tell me what language you speak? (Let children respond.) Many of us speak English, but in our country we hear other languages as well. Do any of you speak another language or know anyone

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Proving It to the World

5th Sunday of Easter From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference: John 13:31-35 Preparation: Bring along an example of a talent you possess or a special piece of art you’ve made or an unusual object that you own. For example, you could bring balls to juggle or a painting, a sculpture, or a piece of stitchery you’ve made.

Have any of you ever heard the expression, “The proof is in the pudding” or “The proof of the pudding is in the eating”? Let’s say that

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