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February 2025

Salt and Light

Jesus wants us to be salty, and he wants us to shine brightly. People around us should know for sure that we’re Christians. We should show them love and acceptance and tell them about God and invite them to church.

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Swatting vs. Sympathy

Sympathizing is better than swatting. Jesus sympathized. He did not swat. Jesus listened and loved and shared the Good News of God’s love.

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Weeds in the Field

The disciples knew this wasn’t just a story about a field with weeds, and they wanted Jesus to tell them the meaning. So Jesus told them that the field represented the world and he was the owner of the field. Who do you think the good seeds are? I can see many good seeds from where I’m sitting. Those who love Jesus are the good seeds. Are there any bad seeds in our world? Yes, unfortunately there are people who do not love God and who do mean things to other people.

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Parable of the Sower

This is a story that Jesus told to a huge crowd of people, and it is called “The Parable of the Sower.” A sower is someone who plants seeds. Many of the people in the crowd listening to Jesus were farmers. They knew a lot about seeds and soil and planting, so they were very interested in this story.

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The Language of God

Day of Pentecost From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Acts 2:1-21 Â

Preparation (Optional): Arrange ahead of time for members of the congregation who are fluent in other languages to stand, one after the other and declare, “Jesus is Lord. I believe in Jesus!” in their various languages.

Can you tell me what language you speak? (Let children respond.) Many of us speak English, but in our country we hear other languages as well. Do any of you speak another language or know anyone

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Beautiful Feet

Reference: Romans 10:5-15 “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Preparation: Make award ribbons with foot-shaped medallions or medals with footprints on them to hang around each child’s neck. Assemble a small panel of “judges” prior to the sermon.

This morning, I thought we could have a beauty contest. This will be different from most beauty contests because we’re not going to be looking at faces or hair or how gracefully you walk. We are going to look at feet. Is

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