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February 2025

Truth vs. Myth

The Bible is God’s word to us. God speaks to us through the Bible. It is not a book written just to be an interesting story or to teach us history. The Bible is a book written to change lives. God sent the scriptures to us so that we would know how much God loves us. The Bible tells us that Jesus came to take away our sins so that we would live forever with God. It’s not a fairy tale, and it’s not a myth. The Bible is the truest story that ever was. It is God’s message of love to us. And God wants us to read the Bible and to listen to its words just as often as we can.

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Food for the Soul

3rd Sunday in Lent From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Isa. 55:1-9Â

Snow Monkeys; photo by Kiyoshi Ookawa

Preparation: Bring brief, favorite Bible verses printed on cards or bookmarks—enough to give one to each child. If possible, also bring a flipchart and marker to jot down kids’ responses.

What do all people and animals need to survive? (Let children share thoughts. If you have a marker and chart, note their answers.) We need food and water. We also need to stay warm.

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 Pentecost Proper 25 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference: Mark 10:46-52

Preparation: Bring a wishbone to pull and break with one of the children.

What is this little thing I’m holding? Can someone tell me? (Hold up the wishbone and let the children explain what it is and what people do with it.) It’s a wishbone, isn’t it? Why is it called a wishbone? Two people take hold of the bone—one on either end—and they each make a wish.

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