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April 2025

Baabara and the Language of Love

It’s Pentecost, and she’s wearing her red scarf in honor of the day, but Baabara the Sheep is gloomy. She cannot talk about God’s love in many languages. She wishes that she could speak fluent Japanese to the kids in the orphanages in Japan where she teaches English. She wants them to know how much she loves them. But isn’t she already fluent in the “Language of Love?”

(Permission granted to include this video children’s message in online Sunday services.)

See for more information

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Staring or Preparing?

 A 5-minute children’s sermon for Ascension Sunday is embedded below. You have permission to use this video to augment an online Sunday service broadcast.

What should we be doing while waiting for Jesus to return? Simply staring up at the sky? After Jesus ascended to heaven on Mount Olivet, the disciples were left standing there, staring and reluctant to move until a couple of angels appeared. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand looking up toward heaven? This Jesus, who has been

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Parable of the Sower

This is a story that Jesus told to a huge crowd of people, and it is called “The Parable of the Sower.” A sower is someone who plants seeds. Many of the people in the crowd listening to Jesus were farmers. They knew a lot about seeds and soil and planting, so they were very interested in this story.

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Love in Action: Children’s Sermon Response to 3/11

The March 2011 East Japan Earthquake

Scripture References:

Luke 13: 4 – 5 and Matthew 25:34 – 36

Preparation: Bring photos or a short video clip demonstrating the damage caused by the tsunami. Photos of families in refugee centers might also help the children understand what the conditions are like now in northern Japan.

On March 11, 2011 at 2:46 pm Tokyo time, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit Japan. The ground shifted and shook very hard and out in the

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Barefoot in the Snow Kindle Version Available

It’s here! After years of good intentions, the Kindle version of Barefoot in the Snow is finally complete and available from Amazon. Thank you to all who gave me good advice as I attempted to design the cover. And to my best friend, Joel, who tried to teach me how to create the EPUB files and convert them to Kindle format… and then ended up doing most of the work himself…. I owe you big time.

I’ve also completely revamped this web site. Read the

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