Day of Pentecost From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Acts 2:1-21 and Psalm 104:25-30
Preparation: Bring puzzle pieces to give out at the end of the talk.
Today is Pentecost Sunday. Do you know what happened on the first Pentecost? (Children may offer answers.) After Jesus had gone back up to heaven, his disciples were gathered together in a room. Suddenly, there was a sound of rushing wind. It was a mighty sound, and it filled the room. Fire appeared
Continue reading Spirit of Creation
When Jesus went up into heaven, his disciples were watching. They watched him disappear into a cloud and then they all just stood there, looking up, staring at the sky, until two angels appeared and told them that Jesus would come back some day. The disciples were probably very sad to see Jesus go, and I’m sure they couldn’t help standing there, staring for a while. Do you think they were supposed to just stay there, looking up, waiting for Jesus to come back? No, there was plenty to do while they waited for Jesus to return. The world was waiting to hear the good news, that Jesus was alive!
Continue reading What Goes Up… (Ascension Sunday)
God is close to us, isn’t he? Jesus is closer than your mommy or daddy when they’re hugging you tight; he’s closer than a hug. Jesus is closer than our shoes and socks. He’s closer than our skin. Acts, chapter 17, describes how close God is to us. The apostle Paul says, “He is not far from each one of us, for in him we live and move and have our being… ” (Acts 17:27-28 RSV). God is so close that he’s a part of us.
Continue reading How Close Is God?
5th Sunday of Easter From “Saving the Ants” Scripture Reference: 1 Peter 2:4-7 and Psalm 118:22 Â
Preparation: Bring some building blocks and a bucket of stones.
Rocks and stones turn up in both of the lessons this morning and in the psalm that we read together. Stones were very important to the people in Jesus’ time. Most of the buildings in the area where Jesus lived were made out of stone. In 1 Peter, the Bible talks about Jesus being the cornerstone. Does
Continue reading The Cornerstone
Easter Sunday From “Scolding the Snakes” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â 1 Cor. 15:20-26Â
Preparation: Bring a bouquet of colorful spring flowers and a vase in which to place them on the altar or at the foot of the cross.
Happy Easter everyone! Do you know the words to the Easter greeting that has been used in the Christian church for almost two thousand years? When I say to you, “The Lord is risen!†you answer back, “He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!â€
Continue reading The Last Enemy
Ezekiel was given this dream to show him that God could do anything. The people of Israel were alive, but they felt very sad inside. They had stopped listening to God. It was as if their spirits were dead, like those dry bones. God sent the prophet Ezekiel to them to bring their hope and their spirits back to life. Sometimes we feel sad and far away from God. We may feel like the Lord doesn’t hear our prayers. We don’t have to stay that way, far away from God like a dry bone. God wants us to be alive in him, full of the Holy Spirit and happy to be children of God. If we open our hearts and lives to him, the Spirit of God will come whooshing into our lives again.
Continue reading Dry Bones
King David knew a lot about sheep. He knew how silly they were and how much they needed a shepherd. And after he became king, he wrote a song, a psalm, that begins, “The Lord is my shepherd” (Ps. 23:1 NLT). Now if the Lord is my shepherd, what does that make me? Right! A sheep! Isn’t that insulting? No, just realistic. We do need God. We need taking care of. It would really be silly to think that we didn’t need God as our shepherd. Do you think those sheep would last very long out in the wilderness without a shepherd? No!
Continue reading I Just Wanna Be a Sheep
We’re all sinners. We all do things that we shouldn’t do. In a way, we’re all like that meanie, stuck in the quicksand. But even before we say, “Please, help me,” God has already thrown us the rope and pulled us out. (As you speak, you can throw one end of the rope out, or do the action of throwing a rope.) God loves all of us and he sent Jesus to save us.
Continue reading Meanie in the Quicksand
St. Patrick’s Day; “St. Patrick’s Forgivenessâ€
Mark 11:22-25
Preparation: You may bring shamrock stickers or a hand stamp to give to the children at the end.
Lots of people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. They wear something green, they might decorate their classrooms or homes with shamrocks, or they may even eat Irish food like corned beef and cabbage for dinner. But most people don’t know very much about St. Patrick’s life and what he did. I want to see how much you know about him.
Continue reading St. Patrick’s Day Children’s Sermon
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany From “Saving the Ants” (Download book at left!)Â
Scripture Reference: Matt. 5:38-48 and 1 Cor. 3:18-19Â
Preparation: Bring an organ donation card with you; your own or one from a member of the congregation.
Can anyone tell me what the word revenge means? (Discuss meaning and examples of revenge with children.) Revenge is getting back at someone who hurt you. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus talks about revenge. The people that Jesus was talking to knew about the old
Continue reading An Eye for an Eye
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