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March 2025

Three in One – Trinity

A Children’s Sermon for the first Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday – RCL Year A

Scriptures: Matthew 28:16-20 and 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

Today is the first Sunday after Pentecost. It is also called “Trinity Sunday.” This is a Sunday when we remember that God is three persons in one God. Throughout history, humans have struggled with this idea, and some have even started new religions because they could not understand how God could be One being and Three persons at the same time.

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Good Creativity

I drew another picture here, and this picture tries to show how my family makes me feel and how I feel about them. (Show picture and talk about it.) I can use these pens and paper to make bad things or good things. In the same way, each one of us can use our lives to make good or bad things.

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Saving the Ants Collection for 2013 – 2014

A new church year adventure begins as Advent advances upon us. Here is some advice to give you an advantage this Advent and on into the New Year. I avoid advertisements on this website, but I do want to advocate for frequent users of Kidsermons to advertently take my advisement and cast your eyes to the left of your screen.

Do you see that little picture of ants running across a red-checkered tablecloth? Click on the ants and then on the iTunes Bookstore link whereÂ

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Advent Skit Series

The Bible readings this morning talked about being ready and waking up because Jesus is coming; but I have a feeling some people weren’t listening. (Loud sound of snoring from the Advent Family.) Do you hear something? Do you hear snoring? It looks like our Advent family is fast asleep. Can you help us wake them up? Everyone say at once, “Christmas is coming! It’s time to wake up!” (Kids join in and wake up the family. Repeat until the family wakes up.)

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Life from Death

The Gospel lesson for today talks about a group of people called Sadducees. Sadducees were Jews who believed that there was no life after death. Is that the same as what we believe? (Let children answer.) No. We know that God is preparing a place for us in heaven; and when we die, we go to be with Jesus. It’s easy to remember the Sadducees and what they believe, because their name describes how they must feel. It would be very sad to think that there is no life after death. So the Sadducees are very sad, you see—Sadducee!

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The Language of God

Day of Pentecost From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Acts 2:1-21 Â

Preparation (Optional): Arrange ahead of time for members of the congregation who are fluent in other languages to stand, one after the other and declare, “Jesus is Lord. I believe in Jesus!” in their various languages.

Can you tell me what language you speak? (Let children respond.) Many of us speak English, but in our country we hear other languages as well. Do any of you speak another language or know anyone

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The Body of Christ

3rd Sunday after the Epiphany Adapted from “Scolding the Snakes” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â 1 Cor. 12:12-27Â

What do you think is the most important part of your body? (Let children share ideas; challenge their choices.) If you had strong muscles but no nerves to send signals to your brain, would you be able to do anything with those muscles? No! If you had good eyes and could see the tiniest thing from far away, but your eyelids wouldn’t stay open, would

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Love Builds the Church

For the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany From “Sitting on the Rainbow”

Image from Half a World Away exhibit

Scripture Reference:Â 1 Cor. 8:1-3

Preparation: You may bring a hammer and nails or some other construction tools.

The Bible reading from 1 Corinthians today talks about building up the church. If you were going to help build up the church, what sort of tools do you think you might need? (Discuss.) I brought some tools with me (show the tools), but the trouble is,

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Happy Birthday, Church

Day of Pentecost From Saving the Ants, by Ruth Gilmore Acts 2:1-4 and 1 Cor. 12:4-13

Many Gifts, One Spirit

Preparation: Bring little red cards, cut to look like flames, with a tag on the back of each one describing a gift of the Holy Spirit or a talent that one might be given to serve God.

Today is a very important birthday. Do you know whose birthday it is? (Let children guess.) Today we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the Christian church. Before

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