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January 2025

Should We Keep Looking?

To the disciples, it seemed as if they had been waiting forever for God’s Promised One, the Messiah, to arrive. When Jesus finally came, did they need to keep looking? No. The Savior sent by God was finally with them. It would have been foolish to keep looking. When Christmas morning finally arrives, do we have to keep waiting and counting the days until it’s here? No. When Christmas comes, we can celebrate! We don’t have to keep waiting.

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Making a Path

The brambles and thorns that John wanted people to clear out of their lives were the bad habits and thoughts that kept people far away from God. John told people to repent, to stop doing the things that made God sad and to start living lives that made God happy. John told people to clear their hearts and minds so that they would be ready to welcome Jesus when he came.

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Saving the Ants Collection for 2013 – 2014

A new church year adventure begins as Advent advances upon us. Here is some advice to give you an advantage this Advent and on into the New Year. I avoid advertisements on this website, but I do want to advocate for frequent users of Kidsermons to advertently take my advisement and cast your eyes to the left of your screen.

Do you see that little picture of ants running across a red-checkered tablecloth? Click on the ants and then on the iTunes Bookstore link whereÂ

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Thanksgiving Always

For the Sunday before or after Thanksgiving From “Barefoot in the Snow” Â

Scripture Reference: 1 Thess. 5:16-18  “Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”Â

Preparation: Bring a calendar that clearly shows the month names and a fat, washable, red marker (in case a child misses the calendar page and marks clothing instead).

When is Thanksgiving? Can anybody tell me? (Let children respond.) Thanksgiving is (or was) this

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Advent Skit Series

The Bible readings this morning talked about being ready and waking up because Jesus is coming; but I have a feeling some people weren’t listening. (Loud sound of snoring from the Advent Family.) Do you hear something? Do you hear snoring? It looks like our Advent family is fast asleep. Can you help us wake them up? Everyone say at once, “Christmas is coming! It’s time to wake up!” (Kids join in and wake up the family. Repeat until the family wakes up.)

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Eternal Kingdom

There was a man hanging on another cross next to Jesus, and that man really had done things that were wrong. He knew that he deserved punishment, but he also knew that Jesus had done nothing wrong. And somehow he knew that Jesus was a king. As they were both hanging there dying, that man looked at Jesus and said, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And Jesus looked at the man and said, “I tell you the truth; today you will be with me in Paradise.”

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Dive to Safety

All of us are going to have storms and rough waters. Life is not always easy. Sometimes bad things happen or we get hurt or we feel very, very sad. All of us have cried and been hurt before, and we will probably cry again. But our mighty God is like the deep part of the ocean. He is always right there beneath us and all around us. He is deep and calm and steady, and he doesn’t change. When we hit rough waters in our lives, we can dive down into God’s protection and comfort. We can pray and remember that God is holding us quietly and safely.

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Life from Death

The Gospel lesson for today talks about a group of people called Sadducees. Sadducees were Jews who believed that there was no life after death. Is that the same as what we believe? (Let children answer.) No. We know that God is preparing a place for us in heaven; and when we die, we go to be with Jesus. It’s easy to remember the Sadducees and what they believe, because their name describes how they must feel. It would be very sad to think that there is no life after death. So the Sadducees are very sad, you see—Sadducee!

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All Puffed Up

(Show balloons.) This balloon will play the part of the proud Pharisee, and this balloon will be the humble tax collector. I need two volunteers, one to hold each balloon. (Hand “Pharisee” balloon to a child old enough to blow it up.) Now as I read the story, whenever I look at the person holding the Pharisee balloon, I want you to blow some air into the balloon and then hold it shut. The person holding the tax collector balloon can just let it rest on your hand.

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Truth vs. Myth

The Bible is God’s word to us. God speaks to us through the Bible. It is not a book written just to be an interesting story or to teach us history. The Bible is a book written to change lives. God sent the scriptures to us so that we would know how much God loves us. The Bible tells us that Jesus came to take away our sins so that we would live forever with God. It’s not a fairy tale, and it’s not a myth. The Bible is the truest story that ever was. It is God’s message of love to us. And God wants us to read the Bible and to listen to its words just as often as we can.

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