We’re not robots, though, are we? We can’t blame our mistakes on crossed wires. We can’t claim that someone assembled us the wrong way. We’re children of God, and we want to do the right thing, but sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes we do just the opposite of what we want to do.
Continue reading Crossed Wires
Jesus told his disciples that whoever welcomes or invites them, welcomes Jesus. So how could I invite Jesus to my house? (A child may answer.) I can invite one of Jesus’ disciples, one of his friends, to my house. How many disciples or friends of Jesus do you see here? Raise your hand if you are a friend of Jesus!
Continue reading Inviting Jesus
In Matthew, chapter 10, it says, “The very hairs on your head are all numbered” (v. 30 NLT). God knows how many hairs each one of you have on your head. That’s a pretty small detail, isn’t it? Your family and friends know a lot about you, both good and bad, and they love you so much for who you are. There’s no one in the whole world like you. God knows even more about us; every thought, every wish; and he loves us more than we can imagine.
Continue reading The Hairs on Your Head
Day of Pentecost From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Acts 2:1-21 and Psalm 104:25-30
Preparation: Bring puzzle pieces to give out at the end of the talk.
Today is Pentecost Sunday. Do you know what happened on the first Pentecost? (Children may offer answers.) After Jesus had gone back up to heaven, his disciples were gathered together in a room. Suddenly, there was a sound of rushing wind. It was a mighty sound, and it filled the room. Fire appeared
Continue reading Spirit of Creation
Maybe Jesus was trying to get his disciples to see that it really wasn’t their faith that was so powerful; it was what God could do with that faith. God could do amazing things with their lives when they put their trust in him. Just as you have to put the seed in the soil for it to grow, you have to actually put your faith in God for your faith to grow. If we put our faith in our friends, would that work just as well? (Let kids respond.) No, that would be sort of like trying to plant our seed in a pot of yogurt or peanut butter. We have to plant our faith seed in good soil. Our faith must be planted and rooted in God. He will grow our faith for us. And then we can do all kinds of wonderful things through God’s power.
Continue reading Mustard Seed Faith
I would have much more fun sharing my bubbles with all of you rather than trying to save them in a bag. (Blow some bubbles.) God gives us good gifts so we can share them with others. Thanks for sharing my bubbles with me before they disappeared.
Continue reading Saving Up Bubbles
Today’s Gospel reading tells about a man who really did impress Jesus. He was an officer in the Roman army who was respected by the Jews because he did many good things for them. One of the servants in this officer’s house was very sick, and the officer cared very much for him. When the officer heard about Jesus, he sent a message to him. “I am not worthy to receive you in my house or even to come and meet you. Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed†(Luke 7:6-7 NLT). When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. The Roman officer believed that Jesus was so powerful he could heal the sick servant just by speaking some words.
Continue reading Impressing Jesus
The chrysalis is a little bit like the tomb where Jesus was buried. When Jesus was laid in that tomb and the big stone was rolled in front of the entrance, everyone thought that was the last they’d see of Jesus. No one expected life to come out of that place of death. But after three days, God raised Jesus to new life. A transformed Jesus came out of that tomb, more alive than he had ever been before.
Continue reading Mysterious Transformation
Day of Pentecost From “Scolding the Snakes” Scripture Reference:Â Acts 2:1-21 Â
Preparation (Optional): Arrange ahead of time for members of the congregation who are fluent in other languages to stand, one after the other and declare, “Jesus is Lord. I believe in Jesus!†in their various languages.
Can you tell me what language you speak? (Let children respond.) Many of us speak English, but in our country we hear other languages as well. Do any of you speak another language or know anyone
Continue reading The Language of God
Pentecost Proper 17 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference: Mark 7:1-8Â
Preparation: Bring a bowl of water, some soap, and a towel.
Do any of you like to play in the dirt or make mud pies? (Let children respond.) Dirt can be lots of fun. And if there is water nearby, you can make mud pies and build towers and channels for the water.
But if you’ve been playing outside in the dirt and you’re called in for supper,
Continue reading Washing the Heart
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