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March 2025

A Gabriel Gift

For the 4th Sunday in Advent – RCL – Year B – Scripture: Luke 1:30-31

Hamlet the pig can hardly wait for Christmas. Why is it so hard to wait for good things to arrive? Did Mary have trouble waiting? After all, she had to wait nine months after being told by the angel Gabriel that a wonderful gift to the world was on its way. Baabara the sheep has a surprise for Hamlet, to help him wait for Christmas… a “Gabriel Gift”

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The Empty Egg; an Easter Puppet Show

An original Kidsermons Puppet Show based on (John 20 : 1 – 18)

Cast: Mercy (Muppet-style puppet), Frannie Funzle (a Funzle), Kit Fox (a fox puppet with a clerical collar) and Gloria (a goose puppet), Gosling (a baby duckling puppet) and a human usher.

Props: 3 Easter egg baskets, empty shell of a real egg in one of the Easter baskets

Original Cast:  Mercy: Betsy  Frannie: Jill  Gloria: Ruth  Kit Fox: Pastor Teresa  Gosling: Elsa  Usher: Karen


Mercy: (Enters holding a basket of Easter eggs.) 

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Out of the Shell and Into the Light

Trust God to take care of you and don’t be afraid. Life is to be lived! You are not meant to hide in your shell in the dark your whole life.

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Nativity Rat at the Manger

RAT: So compared to the Creator of the Universe and all things good and amazing, humans and rats are almost on the same level. But God loves us anyway. God loves the ratty and the tattered. God loves us even though we are small and mean. God loves even the rat.

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Crusty Grudges

“What’s a grudge?” “It’s what forms inside when someone says or does something bad to you and you refuse to let go of the hurt. It stays inside you and gets all crusty and hard and you end up carrying it around forever.”

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What Does Pentecost?

Summary: Mercy Me is worried about Sunday because she does not know what Pente costs. Milo and his French friend, Pierre, explain that a free gift was given at Pentecost; the preaching power of the Holy Spirit.

Cast: Mercy and Milo (muppet-style puppets), Annmarie and Pierre (puppet with a French accent)


Mercy:Â (Enters looking down and counting…) One, two, three, four, five… oh boy. I don’t think I have enough.

Milo: Umm. Mercy Me? What are you doing?

Mercy: I’m counting my money. I

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Video of “The Stuff of Thanksgiving” Children’s Sermon Puppet Skit

Here’s a video recording of the children’s sermon puppet skit “The Stuff of Thanksgiving” from the November 20th, 2011 worship service at West Tokyo Union Church (WTUC) in Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan.

The Stuff of Thanksgiving

Biblical Reference: Luke 12:32-34

 32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Cast: Milo & Mercy (Muppet-style puppets), and Lioness (lion puppet) Props: Costume jewelry and

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Ask Anything

Cast of Characters: Mabel the Cow, Baabara the Sheep, a Muppet named Mercy Mee, a Muppet named Milo Yo

Bible Reference: John 14:12 – 14

Mercy Mee: Okay, now where is that verse? It’s one of the best verses in the Bible. This is going to totally change my life! If I can just find it. (Looking through the Bible.) Where is it? I can’t find it anywhere!

Milo Yo: (Enters and watches Mercy for a while.) Hiya Mercy. Whatcha doing?

Mercy: (Exasperated)

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A Gift for Faithful Lamb

Title: A Gift for Faithful Lamb

Text: Matt. 10: 40- 42

Cast: Faithful Lamb, Billy the Kid and Lamb Borgeeny

Narrator: That short Gospel reading, has a BIG lesson in it. Do you remember what Jesus said? How does Jesus want us to show our love to him?….Today Billy the Kid, Faithful Lamb and a new sheep named Lamb Borgeeny are going to help us understand what Jesus said.

(Enter Billy the Kid, carrying some grass. He arranges it carefully while

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