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March 2025

The Eye of a Needle

Pentecost Proper 23 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Mark 10:17-31

Preparation: Bring a large backpack stuffed with things. Place a chair at the front where everyone can see it. You (or a volunteer) will attempt to crawl under the chair—first with and then without the backpack. You should be able to do it when you remove the pack. Also bring a large needle.

Today I brought a big backpack stuffed full of things that I own. (Show the children

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Let the Children Come

Pentecost Proper 22 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Mark 10:13-16

Preparation (optional): You may bring along a “welcome” mat or sign from your home.

Does anyone know what the word “welcome” means? You sometimes see the word on a mat in front of a door. Or you might see a sign along the road that reads “Welcome to Minnesota” or “Welcome to the Dew Drop Inn.” (You may pass around your own welcome sign.) A welcome sign is

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Praying with God

Pentecost Proper 21 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â James 5:13-18

Preparation: A good illustration for this talk is a portable CD or cassette player with a familiar song ready to play.

How many of you sing in a choir? Raise your hands. Do you enjoy singing with other people? What do you like about it? (A volunteer may respond.) What would it sound like if a choir got up to sing, and one section started to sing “Happy Birthday,”

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Humble and Great

Pentecost Proper 20 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Scripture Reference:Â Mark 9:33-37Â

Preparation (optional): You may wish to bring a photograph of Olympic medalists standing on the awards platform.

How many of you have watched the Olympics? When they give out the medals—gold, silver, and bronze—which medal-winner gets to stand on the highest platform? (Let the children answer.) The highest platforms are for the top prizewinners, the athletes who won the gold medals. (You may show your photo here.) Gold-medal winners also get to

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Tongues of Fire

Pentecost Proper 19 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â James 3:1-6

Preparation: Bring a small match and, if possible, a picture of a forest fire or burned buildings.Â

Who can name some dangerous things—things to be careful of? (Let children give answers; help them if necessary.) Are tigers dangerous? Are lightning bolts dangerous? Some dangerous things are fairly large, and we can see they’re dangerous just by looking at them. But some very small things are dangerous, too. I

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Faithful Acts

Pentecost Proper 18 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â James 2:14-17Â

Have any of you ever gone to school and forgotten your lunch? (Children may respond.)Â

I know I have. It’s a terrible feeling. Lunchtime comes and your stomach growls. Then you have nothing to eat and no money to buy a lunch.

Now imagine that your friends come and sit down next to you and notice you have no lunch. Imagine that they shake their heads and

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Washing the Heart

Pentecost Proper 17 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference: Mark 7:1-8Â

Preparation: Bring a bowl of water, some soap, and a towel.

Do any of you like to play in the dirt or make mud pies? (Let children respond.) Dirt can be lots of fun. And if there is water nearby, you can make mud pies and build towers and channels for the water.

But if you’ve been playing outside in the dirt and you’re called in for supper,

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Dodging the Arrows

Pentecost Proper 16 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Eph. 6:10-20Â

Preparation: You might bring an arrow or a picture of a soldier’s shield and armor to illustrate your talk.

Do you sometimes hear about wars that are being fought in our world today? (Let children respond.) It’s always sad to hear that a war is going on somewhere, but wars have been fought for a long time. Even two thousand years ago, when Jesus was walking around here

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Wisdom Bread

Pentecost Proper 15 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Prov. 9:1-6, 10

Preparation: Bring a loaf of bread to distribute among the children. You may package it in a bag labeled “Wisdom Bread.

Can anyone tell me what “wisdom” means? Can you make wisdom? Can you give someone else wisdom? (Allow children to respond.) Let me read some verses to you from the Bible book of Proverbs:

Wisdom has built her house, she has set up her seven pillars. .

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Burnt Anger

Pentecost Proper 14 From “Sitting on the Rainbow” Artwork by Elsa Ingulsrud Scripture Reference:Â Eph. 4:25-27

Preparation: Bring a clean cooking pot and a large spoon for pretending to stir. Also, if possible, bring along a pot that has a burned crust in the bottom.

I’ve brought something with me this morning. (Show the pot.) Can anyone tell me what this is used for? Do you have any of these in your kitchen? (Let children tell what pots are used for.) We cook food in

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